Thursday, February 4, 2010

Winter X Games; Aspen, week 5

My apologizes for the delay! I’m a few days behind the usual weekly update.

Winter X GAMES!!! Let’s start here. Phenomenal experience! Okay, so town was crazy crowded, equipped with parties and events and stereotypically ‘yo bros’ everywhere. It was a bit of a mess, and a lot of locals don’t necessarily like this week. However, the games themselves were soooooo spectacular to watch. I only went to a few events, but did get to watch the skiing super-pipe finals. We were standing on the edge of the pipe, literally within reach of the inside, and about half way up. We were at a perfect position where the skiers basically flipped OVER our heads. It was amazing!!! The fantastic tricks these athletes perform are sick! As a PT though, my mind was a bit warped in thinking ‘oohh that’s a concussion’ ‘there goes his ACL’ ‘lumbar spine injury’ etc rather than just enjoying the show. There were a few terrible accidents, but most of the competitors got up and back on the slope. Impressive. Other fun things: Held an X-game medal. Took pictures with a few champions (although not really sure who they are, or what they competed in). Paid $17 for a disposable camera, b/c my batteries were dead. Also, it was FREEZING.

Quotes of the Week:

“They will be back soon.” –a patient, as a few X Game athletes came into the clinic prior to competition

“Do you usually socialize with all the new people you meet a work?” -a patient
“Well typically my new friends are on crutches and taking Vicodin.” -me

“Only you can go on a date, without realizing you are on a date.” –Jodie

“Went drinking for the first time since before surgery, and I swear ALL the alcohol went straight to my knee." -knee patient with excessive swelling

"Ahh, it's free. Bring some beer, and we'll call it even." -ski rental guys

“Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels." –Brad quoting Kate Moss

“Honey, I am from Dallas. These are flats." –back patient wearing heels! :D

“It is interesting what you just taught me about women. However, I am going to choose to ignore it, and still live in my man world." –Jeb

“You look exceptionally pretty today. Wait, that doesn’t mean you usually look bad, because you always look good. Not to be weird or anything. Okay, I’m just going to stop talking.” –a charming patient

Aspen Sports Medicine: LOVE LOVE LOVE my job! The patients are incredible, and I am now officially beginning to get some responsibility. One of my patients, an 11 year old ski racer with bilateral ACL reconstruction, always provides entertainment and innocent refreshment. He taught me how to play lacrosse on Tuesday, and adorably explained knee anatomy to me, lol. Other things, surgeries, MD rounds, business things, etc are continually a blast. 3 surgeries tomorrow!

Crossroads Church: Definitely changing my life! Praise God!

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