Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 4- Take 2

The James 4 post basically focused on what WE DO (or not do). In reality, WE TRUST GOD. That's it. TRUST GOD. Like David, who is described as 'a man after God's own heart.' TRUST GOD.

Instead of reading my post, listen to this. It's better. Seriously. YOU WILL BE GLAD. Or if you are too-cool-for-school, then don't, whatever. But you will be missing out on a paradigm shift. (note-if it's not yet posted, it will be soon):


PS- The finale (Day 5) will come eventually. When I have time to write it!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The James Experiement: Day 4- James 4

Major Themes: Submitting to God; Not boasting in the future

Action: Nothing. See where God takes the day.

“Would I believe you when you would say,
Your hand will guide my every way?...
And I will walk by faith,
Even when I cannot see.
For because this broken road
Prepares your will for me.”

-Walk By Faith, Jeremy Camp

Lessons learned: In trying to develop the action for day 4, a very wise friend asked, “If YOU plan it, doesn’t that defeat the purpose of submitting to God?” So true. Therefore, I woke up without a plan, and spent the morning praying about James 4 then Luke 22:42 “Not my will but Thy will be done” and asking God to show me what that should look like for the day.

Okay, so probably not ideal for EVERY day, but for ONE day = spectacular. Basically, I spent the entire day in the Word, loving and serving other people, easily changing my non-existent-plans to fit someone else’s, and continually praying. I didn’t check off a single item on my extensive to-do list, try to figure out the fall in NC, research residency programs for next year, freak-out about my 25th birthday 10 months away, or even plan the weekend. Although atypical for me, it really happened. And it was phenomenal. God used this to show me how much of the present I waste living in the future, when often He has something better in store. “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” –Proverbs 19:21

In regard to not boasting about tomorrow (James 4:13-17), the concept of TODAY can be difficult. I am a planner, especially a future planner. Confident in MY abilities (really?), I like to orchestrate the way I want things to turn out. James says otherwise. “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” –James 4:14.

The clarity of this section made me curious as to why it is so. I love to plan the future, what’s wrong with that? Our entire lives we’ve been told to prepare for later. Elementary gymnastics makes a better cheerleader, high school choices dictate college opportunities, on-and-on. So, why this lesson, James? Perhaps God is simply trying to protect us by keeping us from overplanning. How? I think sometimes we can be so focused on “our plan” that we completely miss the phenomenal opportunities that God is giving us in something else. It’s the "can’t see the forest for the trees" syndrome. On top of that, when we get too wrapped up in our plan, we have to face the harsh reality of unmet expectations when it doesn't work out. Unfortunately, a planner has to swallow this frequently, and thankfully God has reined me back over past year or so.

Example: Here’s how the wrong way often looks, in say a job situation. You find this job that has potential of being fantastic, so naturally you get really excited. You fill out the application, rock the interview, and are super pumped about the 3rd callback with the office tour. You begin picturing yourself in this job, who your work friends will be, what you will wear the first week, etc. It seems promising, so you zealously tell your friends and family who become completely stoked too. Next, you go spend your first paycheck (which you haven’t actually earned) on snazzy business clothes. As you are walking on sunshine in flashy new heels, your future boss politely tells you they have hired someone else. WHAT? You. are. crushed. In reality, your non-boss did nothing wrong. The pain was self-inflicted because you let this future-fantasy run away in your head, rather than adhering to Solomon's advice to "...guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life." -Proverbs 4:23. You invested prematurely, and in this instance your plan didn’t jive with God’s plan. Still, you are left with the stinging pain of disappointment from unmet expectations. I've mostly done this the hard way, and am FINALLY learning the right way. One (of many) vital lesson from James 4: God is actually trying to prevent us from hurting ourselves. The quicker we learn this, the less heartache we encounter.

Real world application in MY head, so take it with some salt. I honestly think it is very wise to have a general idea, an overall direction, some concrete goals, and a vision in life, in addition to seeking Christ. But when we legitimately, presumptuously overplan, and think "THIS is EXACTLY what I want," it is a self set-up for a catastrophe. Thankfully, even though we regularly wound ourselves, Jeremiah 29:11 is reassuring. "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."

The James Experiement: Day 3- James 3

Major Theme: Tame the tongue; do not be double-minded

Action: Only speak when spoken to, and have completely positive responses.

Lessons Learned: When I told my best friend about this experiment, she laughed hysterically at me. Then, kind of switched her tone and said, “You are giving up eating AND speaking?”. Implying, “Should we be concerned about you?”. It. Was. Awesome.

Alright, serious-face now. In our world, words are cheap and flow so freely without hesitation. We say things we don’t actually mean, set expectations that we don’t uphold, and “praise and curse out of the same mouth.” James 3:10. Funny example: A friend was telling us how she caught herself jamming out to worship music in her car, then semi-yelling at some guy in traffic, then immediately switching back to worshiping. How true is that for us all? (sidenote: the only people who actually see your ichthys and college bumper stickers are the ones you cut off in traffic. Not the best marketing technique.)

A few relevant Proverbs:

“Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue.” –Proverbs 17:28

“A gossip betrays a confidence, so avoid a man who talks too much” –Proverbs 20:19

“Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.” – Proverbs 25:24

This was an eye-opening experiment. A few things I already knew: I extremely value communication, am an avid encourager,and my main love language is words of affirmation. It also wasn't news that I'm verbally expressive, an auditory learner, and a collaborator. Embarrassingly, it was news how much I actually talk to myself. It became apparent that I recite to-do lists when trying to remember, verbally recap and plan out events, regularly read aloud, sing waaaaaaay more than expected, and actually speak to God. These things were discovered because I caught myself doing them. It happened ALL day, or at least the 25% of the day I was alone.

The remaining 75% of the day was divided into equal timeframes of strangers, acquaintances, and close friends. “Excuse me” and “thank you” were replaced with a nod and a smile. At school, someone would have to ask me for the information I really needed and wanted to tell them. In social situations, as a natural conversationalist, I felt ridiculous and kind of left out. It was, however, insightful to sit back and observe rather than always being in the mix. It was also good practice at being a Biblical woman in regard to responding and following. Tangent: If we expect men to be leaders, then we have to patiently give them the opportunity.

Also, sooooooooo many times things came to mind that typically I would just say without a second thought. Being forced keep them in my head, I sadly realized how often those statements didn’t really benefit, encourage, or educate anyone. And they weren’t glorifying Christ. Convicting moment...

God also used this day both to protect me and to teach me to rely on Him. There were a couple of conversations that flowed well because I was only allowed to respond. I unfortunately slipped up a time or two in those chats, but this day mostly prevented me from over speaking. Specifically, one conversation was a prime moment where less-is-best, and thanks to God it happened on my ‘not talking’ day. However, things were by no means picture-perfect, and this extrovert couldn’t talk about it to anyone! I could not call. Or text. Or email. Or facebook. Or gchat. Or contact first anyone in any form. It was killing me! And, it blatently pointed out that I immediately turn to someone other than the Lord. Skipping ahead to James 5:13 it is clear what we should do,"Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise." Due to a day without carelessly speaking, the situation resulted in me looking to God the way He designed- and He absolutely provided.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The James Experiment: Day 2- James 2

Major Theme: Faith shows itself through deeds

Action: Coming up with how to live out faith through action for a day was tricky, because we SHOULD do this every day. So, I spent a day NOT procrastinating anything.

Lessons Learned: Educational, but ultimately created more questions.

A few cool things. Got up to the 1st alarm instead of the 3rd snooze, had an efficient and productive day, felt a sense of accomplishment, blah blah blah...Moving on.

A very common verse quoted from James is James 2:26, “As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.” This goes hand-in-hand with one of my favorite quotes: "The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians, who acknowledge Jesus with their lips and walk out the door, and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable." -Brennan Manning (you know you are rocking to old-school DC Talk in your head right now).

Anyway, thinking about these brought to mind a lot of questions about some key areas where we procrastinate our deeds. Mainly, time with God, service, relationships, and witnessing. ****note: I am extremely guilty, and these are my convictions NOT my instructions. Just sharing what I’m learning.****

Time with God: “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” – Rev 4:11 (KJV). We are created to worship Him. Yes, it’s that simple.“But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” – Exodus 9:16. The most selfless thing God can do is bring us to Himself, because He is the supplier of all our needs. If we believe that, then why is time with God often put off until later? Seriously? It is absolutely ridiculous. Is it because we know He is always there and will forgive us, or because we are doing better than most, so God should be okay with that? Reality check: "He did evil because he had not set his heart on seeking the Lord." -2 Chronicles 12:14. Seeking God is not doing God a favor. He doesn’t NEED us to join his team, life is not the NFL draft. His plan will happen with or without us. In actuality, we are supposed to yearn after God because the best thing for US is time with HIM. For me, it is extremely apparent when I am and when I am not consistently rooted in the Word. My world is different; full v. empty. Real life application: A few days after my "non-procrastination" day, a friend asked if I would be interested in committing to a year-long daily Bible study. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. for the next 365. Answer: yes without hesitation.

Service: “…and I will show you my faith by what I do.” – James 2:18. Honestly, we are never going to have enough time, enough money, or a good “break” at work. Life will never settle down and circumstances will never be perfect. Truth be told, time is dictated by priorities. Are we pulling a John Mayer and “waiting on the world to change” or a Ghandi and “be(ing) the change you wish to see in the world.”?

Relationships: Ahh, this one is fun. To begin, think of Disney combined with chick flicks. Throw in cultural overabundance, instant gratification, ten-thousand books, the positive aspects of marriage, the negative aspects of singleness, the plethora of sappy love songs, and the lack of Biblical examples of dating. What do you get? A fantasy world in our minds, in which we very much procrastinate reality. The last couple of years have really taught me A TON here, but those insights will be reserved for another day.

Witnessing: Confession, I am horrible in this area. Worse, I am actually really good at influencing, convincing, communicating with strangers, and presenting a legitimate case for whatever the topic. My Dad easily envisioned me as lawyer or politician. Sadly, I rarely use this talent for the glory of the Lord. Sure, I'll talk about MY relationship with Christ to anyone. Will I ask them about their's? Christian friends, totally. Others I'm not certain about, not regularly. I'm afraid of offending, ruining a friendship, appearing close-minded, seeming judgemental or unaccepting, and possibly even being that "Christian fanatic". I tend to think another time will be better and less awkward. We'll chat later. Stark contrast to our confused minds, we can always count on Paul to tell it like it is. "Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ." -Galatians 1:10. So if we are servants of Christ, what should this look like? "Come and follow me" Jesus said, "And I will make you fishers of men." -Mark 1:17. He also told Simon Peter to "Feed my lambs" -John 21:15. Also, "Jesus says to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.'" -Mark 16:15. And of course the great commission."Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," -Matthew 28:19. Paul says, "Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season..." -2 Timothy 4:2. and "Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity." -Colossians 4:5. James has an overall sense of urgency. In addition to scripture, one of the most convicting facts came from Penn Jillette, an atheist comedian, magician, and filmmaker, after someone gave him a Bible following a show. Jillette said, "How much do you have to hate somebody to not proselytize? How much do you have to hate someone to believe that everlasting life is possible and not tell them that?"

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The James Experiment: Day 1 - James 1

It took me a while to decide whether or not to post this, but I learned a lot, so maybe you can too. First, the community group I am lucky to be a part of is absolutely astonishing. All. The. Time. Second, we just studied James.

To begin, James is Jesus’s half-brother (or most speculate). If Jesus was NOT drastically different than any other guy, his little brother would be trying to beat him up or cover up his embarrassing blasphemy rather than tell the world to worship Him. Next, James is all about action. Just Do It. No more of this talk, but step up and do something. Quite relevant to Dallas...

James has 5 chapters, and coincidentally, so does a work-week. This inspired me to do a little experiment: to literally and completely alter my life for a week. Each day had a very different predetermined action (some worldly, some biblically), based on the chapter. I'll post day-by-day how it played out…

Day 1: James 1

Major theme: Preservation through suffering, temptation

Action: Obviously the theme applies to every aspect of life. But, I wasn’t going to create a real-life struggle, so I had to make up something, which became a water only fast. Being diligent and hungry? It’s amazing how our “god is our stomach”.

Lessons learned: Not eating takes major focus, more than I expected. Several times, I almost ate something because I was hungry and had simply forgotten that I wasn’t eating. Avoiding temptation in regard to the things that we regularly struggle with takes intense focus as well. We have to consciously make a decision and stick with it. "...rather, train yourselves to be godly." -1 Timothy 4:7

Being hungry also makes one cranky, tired, sick-feeling, and overall less cheerful. To make a water fast more relevant to perseverance in trials, I purposely chose a day where I am expected to be the all-so-ever happy girl as well as be around food all day. It became amazing how much I had to rely on Christ to ensure I was appropriately representing Him, not being either fake or negative, and simply not eating. Hunger definitely heightens your senses in Twilight style proportions –okay maybe not that much –but God’s handiwork became increasingly obvious. Ex: the perfect song at the perfect time. Phenomenal worship to refresh me. Unexplainable peace. A phone call when needed. Also, I realized major opportunities that probably are always there but often go overlooked. It reminded me of 1 Corinthians 10:13 “...But when you are tempted he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” God always gives us another way, we just have to stop focusing on our sin long enough to see it.

This day also brought to mind how easily we justify and rationalize our actions. We tend to live in this world of grey, but sometimes things are simply black and white. Often, sin is black and white. Interestingly, the concept of ‘water only’ is very black and white, but I found myself coloring it grey. Did I really mean, ONLY water? What about tea, that’s mostly water? Can I put fruit in it to jazz it up a bit? Of course this is a silly example, but has real world application. I’m quite guilty of living in grey, being able to present a stellar case to convince myself and others that whatever I want to do is 'right' or within the will of God. But in actuality, sometimes it just isn’t. Granted, I’m not talking about what Christians often consider a “major sin” (all sin is the same, but that’s for another day) but rather the things we consider “minor sin”. If you tell a lie to not hurt someone’s feelings, surely that is justifiable, right? What about not confessing a struggle and just pretending it didn’t happen? If it only affects you, will that be okay? I’m not God, so I don’t know the answer. But, life can be difficult, confusing, and messy; maybe we should cherish the aspects that are black and white.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Occasionally, I wish I was a guy.

There is nothing remotely correct in your speculation of the reasoning behind this title, so keep reading.

Story time: Tonight, on the way to celebrate a friend’s birthday and stopped at a red light, I saw him. He had the appearance of any other normal guy I would know. He was about 27 and sporting the vintage rocker look, equipped with worn-out chucks, a V-neck solid white tee, a scruffy beard, and a green travel backpack. Yet, there was something distinctively different about him than other guys I know. He didn’t have anywhere to go tonight.

It was late, it was dark, and it wasn’t a location that people regularly ‘hang out’. Yet there he sat, facing against the traffic, without a jacket, and maintaining a very stoic expression. There was a sense of heartache and desperation in his dark eyes, eyes that were very distant from the cigarette at which he stared. It was apparent that he was floating, that he wasn’t just taking a breather or just had a fight with his girlfriend. He was a gypsy.

Questions immediately started flowing through my head, as I became intensely focused on this stranger. What is his story? Where is he from? How did he get here? Where is his family? Why can’t he stay with them? How long has he gone without a true home? What does he need? What is going on inside his head, his heart, and his soul? How can I help?

And that’s the moment I became frustrated with being female. Why couldn’t I just give this guy a ride, a free late night dinner, and a couch to sleep on while he has time to do what he needs to do? I honestly COULD provide all of those things for him, so why couldn’t I? Maybe it would completely supply his needs. Ahh the frustration of being of the ‘weaker sex’-to quote Peter. Why do we have to live in a world where it is unsafe and unwise for a 24 year old female to help a stranger, to be hospitable, and to take action with love? I knew in my head that everyone who loves me would kill me if I offered the man a ride. Regardless of the intentions.

Someone behind me honks. I snap back to reality, or my reality anyway. The light is green. I have no cash, no food, or anything beyond girly sunglasses and lip gloss to give him. At this point, tears were ruining my freshly applied makeup-as if that is something to be concerned about. How awful it is that I look at this man with a broken heart, and then consciously continue driving? I say a prayer for him because that’s all I safely know to do.

The rest of the drive I ponder his life and mine. He probably has four times as many stories, and he isn’t much older. He’s probably felt more pain and loneliness than I can fathom. He probably knows what really is important in life, and he probably doesn’t concern himself with my everyday struggles.

Life isn’t fair for him. Why is his situation what it is? How did I get the privilege of being born into a phenomenal family knowing I am loved, when not everyone else does? Why do I get to live in a one bedroom apartment, go out with friends whenever the situation arises, to have more books than shelves, and have enough shoes to go two months before repeating, and this guy probably sleeps outside? Why do I get to have an easy go at many aspects of life when some people have to persevere through constant contention? It isn’t fair.

And then I am so absolutely thankful that God isn’t fair. That His grace isn’t fair. That His mercy isn’t fair. That His love isn’t fair. And that His sacrifice isn’t fair. Fair would be bad news. Fair would mean I receive what I deserve. If my “righteous deeds are like filthy rags” then I really do not want what I deserve. Thankfully God is faithful, and he says, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works so that no one can boast.” – Ephesians 2:8-9. And because God’s justice isn’t fair, I want EVERYTHING to do with Christ. “But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.” –Psalm 5:11

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A little of this, a little of that

Not much time, so a few short and sweet thoughts from this week.

13 miles is a long way to run. But the nagging knee pain, cramps, nausea, and inability to move all day is NOTHING compared to runners high. Nothing. Honestly. Same brain centers that ecstasy stimulates. Nice work God!

23 years of perfect vision. 24, not so much. Unfortunately…

High expectations will always be better than low expectations, even if they are unmet for a while. High expectations require faith. “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” –Proverbs 13:11 “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” –Hebrews 11:1 “May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.” –Psalm 20:4

Practice board exams, not too scary and turned out fine. Real boards, $1000 test, a bit more scary.

Wellness project = athletic shoes. Went shoe shopping 3 times for school. A girl’s dream! And, the Finishline salesman was thoroughly impressed that I knew the back-story of Adidas and Puma. Wikipedia it. Also, Vibram toe shoes and Sketchers Rockers are not quite the spectacle as advertised.

Friends drop everything when needed. No. matter. what. :) “A friend loves at all times…” –Proverbs 17:17

Chris Tomlin = great praise and worship. Worth it, even if it ends up being a bunch of friends + a bunch of high school kids. Free tickets helped. “Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere;” –Psalm 84:10

Multiple friends called this week in freak-out moments because I’m the ‘calm’ one. Not sure if that is a compliment or not.

If Mike Modano retires, I might cry.

House is such a thought provoking show. However, his cane is in the wrong hand, and it drives me insane.

1 Large Movie Popcorn + butter has the same amount of fat as 8 big macs. Yes, EIGHT. Gross. This might have ruined my day.

Duke is still the National Champion, Incase you have forgotten. ;)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hello Dallas

So we all know that God made me a relatively joyful person, but life truly is fantastic. Honestly. "I will sing to the Lord for He has been good to me." -Psalm 13:6

So, I actually had no idea how much I loved Dallas, until I was in Aspen. Now don’t get me wrong, I love Aspen too, but I sincerely missed Big D!

Towards the end of the rotation, Dallas was calling my name. God seriously was telling me that is where I needed to be (at this time anyway). God Wink: I found an apartment via telephone on the drive home from Aspen. Nice, I know. Showed up. Loved it. Found out it was WAY cheaper than expected. Signed the lease. The movers showed up. Start-to-Finish about 3 hours. AMAZING!

For the first time in my life, I live alone. Originally, I expected this to potentially get lonely because my roommates have always been spectacular, but I actually love it. Maybe I’m a closet introvert or something, but there is calmness to a solo apartment. The décor matches. It remains clean (or just how I left it). Items live where I think they should. There are not strangers on my couch when I get home. I can dance and sing to ridiculous music. And I can wear whatever I want whenever I want. Really, it is nice, and Tara just lives down the street. Also, I've officially kept a plant alive for 2 years. I think I've qualified for a puppy now. ;)

Life is Dallas has been extremely spectacular since being home too. Friends are incredible and I’d missed them soooooooooooo much. Community group, The Porch, School, other friends, new experiences, everything. Love it! Catching up with people and hearing what God has been doing in their lives sincerely restores my soul. There have been some major life-transformations while I was gone, and it’s so refreshing to hear about them! Oh yeah, I’m running a half marathon that I didn’t train for. Awesome… You would think 7 years of school would make me more intelligent than competitive, but apparently not. School though is great. Some interesting projects, basically zero stress compared to previous semesters, and getting stories from everyone else's rotations. I like it. Also, its been a blessing to see the family often these days. Between Aspen, events, visits, Easter, we've all been together and it's been phenomenal. My nephew Royce makes my heart smile (even though the 2 year old boy can make better sound effects than I). Learning wisdom from my parents, all night Jesus talks with Brian, sitting on the kitchen counter as Mom cooks, solving the worlds political problems with Dad, and hugging everyone in Goldthwaite, TX are moments to remember.

Okay, so now that you all are caught up in the end of Aspen/beginning of Dallas, the blogs are going to change a lot. They will hold much more depth through lessons and insights that God is teaching me rather than a general description of my recent experiences. Hope that’s okay with you! No promises on the projected frequency, but I’ll try. Apparently “You will never have more time than you do right now”-JP.

Have a blessed day!

Goodbye Aspen

Oh my gosh, life has been wonderfully crazy! I LOVE IT! Please forgive me for just now updating the blog.

Okay, so let’s wrap up Aspen. There truly aren’t adequate words to describe this incredible experience. Right now, as I ponder those 2 months, I can’t help but smile at how much God taught me in such a short time. It’s funny how the Lord works, because I never actually intended to go to Aspen. It definitely was not in MY plan. But, through other people’s decisions and a spontaneous moment, the Lord changed my life. “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” –Proverbs 16:9

For me, a constantly busy and overly involved person, God began to teach me about the peace and serenity in free time, mostly free time with Him. I worked adult hours, and all my new friends had about 3 jobs and therefore were going to work around the time my last patient left. This free time (because I didn’t have friends, lol) gave me such interrupted time with the Lord: time to read, study, podcast, and learn from wiser Christians. I now understand why Paul praises the season of singleness and the undivided time with God.

My best friend Tara came to visit, and it was PHENOMENAL! Despite the fact it took her 20 hours to get here thanks to the weather, we walked in 2.5 ft of snow at 2 am because the taxi couldn’t make the hill, and she had to take a shuttle from Denver because the flight was canceled, it was totally worth it (for me anyway). It was my birthday weekend, and I was quite homesick. We had a blast just catching up on lives, scoping out Aspen, skiing, staying up late talking, taking pictures, making random friends, and slipping on the ice in our cute shoes. Tara is definitely an irreplaceable friend!

My birthday week was so great! More cards, flowers, balloons, letters, and gifts from home were sent than I deserved. It was such a humbling and loving feeling, especially because I was far away from everyone I really knew. My Mom sent me this HUGE basket of food, and my coworkers said “oh wow, you are from the south.” haha. The clinic threw me a party, and we went out to celebrate a few times. Patients brought in cakes, balloons, and presents. Then my welcoming new friends from church took me salsa dancing! They honestly were an answered prayer.

Tying up the loose ends from work was decently easy. Although my coworkers have a special place in my heart, I was ready to move on to different challenges. Saying goodbye is always difficult though, and I might be terrible at discharging patients because I like them too much! Aspen Sports Medicine took great care of me, and we definitely celebrated. And, I will never drink sake again….

Saying goodbye to Pam and John probably was the most difficult part of it all. The experience of living with phenomenal people that basically adopted me for 2 months was definitely the work of God. They both are ALL IN for Christ, and their lives reflect their devotion. Every single day was filled with encouragement, lessons, advice, wisdom, and examples. Pam and I had such a heart-to-heart right before I left, and it couldn’t have been more perfect. Honestly, praise God. Seriously, I’m not sure what I would have done without them. I tear up just a bit thinking about them!

Then…My family came to pick me up!!!! Is that not the most adorable thing you have ever heard? Yes, parents, brother, sister, in-laws = Family Vacation!! Oh my gosh we had a blast! Besides being just fantastic, our family is just so fun. It was an opportunity to share my new life, new friends, and experiences they have heard so much about via the telephone. We enjoyed the mountains, fun Aspen-y places, homecookin’, shopping, and just talking. The same ole thing- we all stayed up all night laughing. I LOVE IT! Seeing my family was just the icing on the cake for the entire experience. They made everything wonderful again (yes, that’s from a song).

Basically, in a nutshell, an experience of a lifetime directed by God.